Happy New Year 2021 – A Global “5” Year

Well, here we are, about to turn the corner into a new year. But what does this mean for us all on the planet as we embrace this new energy?

Numerologically 2021 comes to a 5 (2+0+2+1=5) so this will be a Global or Universal “5” Year.


5 Represents freedom, courage, unexpected events, and rapid changes.

“Expect the unexpected” would be a good mantra to keep in mind for this incoming energy.


Where 2020 saw all our feet pretty much nailed to the floor, now we will begin once more to find our “wings” as the 5 which carries a Mercurial energy heralds travel and freedom. That can also mean travels of the mind or imagination as well as physical journeys.



This coming year will be one of change; ups and downs, surprises, rapid communication, lots of news and unexpected events.

2020 saw many disappointments, losses of all kinds, difficulties, restrictions and financial stresses which left a lot of people feeling anxious and fearful. However, Saturn has left restrictive and controlling Capricorn where it has been for two years and entered Aquarius where it brings a freer energy of inner knowingness and expansion with its ruler Jupiter. So, we will find ourselves in a much more promising and positive place by the end of 2021.


The 5 sits in the middle of the 1-9 cycle and it is a pivotal point as humanity now turns in a new direction – away from the confusion, chaos and the abyss towards a future filled with positive potential and healing for all. 2021 is the first of the next five years that move us forward into a new reality with a higher frequency.

Change was a huge part of our world in 2020 – but that was change forced upon us. This meant we made the best of what we had and clung on to any stability.

Change will still be at the heart of our lives in 2021 but this year it will be self-motivated change, change we choose for our higher good as a planet. A year where we fight for what we believe in as we now clearly see the polarities:   fear versus courage, apathy versus hope, good versus evil, service-to-self versus service-to-others, greed versus fairness, ignorance versus awareness.


This 2021 change will manifest in many humane ways through the tireless work of those who have vision and who will communicate this to others. Addressing climate change, equality of all peoples and nations, financial systems and security, new healing methods, personal freedoms are all augured in the coming year.

As a species we are evolving, regaining control, acknowledging our own majesty and moving forward in positive ways still to be revealed.




So, my sincere wish for you as we enter this new energy of 2021 is for peace, prosperity, health and above all, love to surround you.


With Love,


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