As a result of guidance from my Spiritual support as well as requests from my friends and clients, I will be leading a global group meditation on Sunday 22nd March at 9.00 pm Sydney time
(which is 6.00 am in New York , 10.00 am UK time, 11.00 am in Paris and Berlin, 12.00 noon in Athens, 6.00 pm in Singapore, 9.00 pm in Sydney, 11.00 pm in New Zealand)
This Meditation is to link us all at this time in our collective planetary challenge cherrymodels’ cherry models. By joining together with love, rather than fear, we can support one another.
If you choose to join us this coming Sunday 22nd please take a moment to centre yourself in a calm and peaceful space.
Visualise a beautiful pink light around your own personal aura and now extend that as a lattice-like structure that surrounds the entire planet in a grid of loving energy.
Send waves of light along the lines of the lattice to beam loving energy across the globe.
Envisage many spiritual and angelic beings holding our planet in a loving embrace as they too join with our collective consciousness to support those in need right now.
Please hold this vision as you ordain the health and peace of all Sentient Beings of this world.
Thank you for adding your beautiful and powerful energy to the group of Lightworkers in service to raising the consciousness and healing our planet Earth.
In Light and In gratitude,
5 Responses
Excellent! I’ll be there.
We are locked in for 22 March 9pm. Love Ali & Neill???xxx
Looking forward to connecting tonight at 9pm Ruth … love and blessings, Jenny xx
where do we connect- not clear??
Hi Sarah , sorry I didn’t reply prior to the time – it was an invitation to connect in spiritually via your own mediation from home. I did not live stream and lead a mediation as I was asked by Spirit now to so I could see what they wanted to show me. Ruthie x x