Tag: Chakra

A Crop Circle Update

Willoughby Hedge, Near Mere, Wiltshire. Reported 4th May. On Saturday 6th May I  visited this lovely “fresh energy” crop circle formation in a field of

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The Queensland Floods – A Call to Meditate as ONE

Now, more than ever, as a global community we need to gather our thoughts and prayers to assist those who are suffering on every level.

Please accept my invitation to join in a collective, synchronised Meditation as ONE global community of connected beings who all live under the same sun and breathe the air of this beautiful planet.

The timing for this huge group Meditation is
Friday 14th January at 9.00 pm (2100 hrs) Australian Eastern Summer Time ( UTC 10.00 am) for a concentrated period of 15 minutes.

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Blessings and Feasts

Hello Everyone,

Well, it is almost time for my journey/pilgrimage to begin- but before I take flight I wanted to share with you a couple of wondrous experiences I have had of late.
Recently my dear friend and colleague , Jana, has opened a beautiful Goddess healing and therapy centre called Anahata Therapies and to launch them on their journey they held a special Puja – a Hindu Blessing.

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