The Queensland Floods – A Call to Meditate as ONE

Dear Friends,

In Australia we have just witnessed the might of Gaia and her need for attention in these powerful times of change . 75 % of the huge state of Queensland has been flood affected,  leaving devastation in its wake.

 Brisbane Under water

There is much loss, sorrow and grief in the state of Queensland and yet now the floods and waters are moving south into  New South Wales and Victoria where they too  are experiencing flooding – fortunately not as high, at this stage, as in Queensland. Thousands of people have been affected and it will take years to rebuild the state capital Brisbane – let alone the outlying small communities and towns that have been annihilated.

This link to a UTube video shows what happened  in town of Toowoomba , west of Brisbane. The speed and destruction of the water is beyond comprehension.


 We are not alone in the tragedy department as in  Rio De Janeiro there has dreadful flooding and mudslides with at least 100 fatalities.

Recently we witnessed extreme snow and  arctic conditions in the UK .

What does all this mean?

Well on a Spiritual level – water and snow ( frozen water) equates to the emotions.  In some ways the rain, the floods and the snow are the tears of Gaia – trying to right herself, cleanse  and realign her energy as the world heaves and groans its way into the new decade and through the monumental changes we, as a planet are undergoing. No new growth can come without change and this process is painful indeed.

Now more than ever,  as a global community we need to gather our thoughts and prayers to assist those who are suffering on every level.

Please accept my invitation to join in a collective, synchronised Meditation as ONE global community of connected beings who all live under the same sun and breathe the air of this beautiful planet.  

The timing for this huge group Meditation is                                                                                                                   Friday 14th  January at 9.00 pm (2100 hrs) Australian Eastern Summer Time ( UTC  10.00 am) for a concentrated period of 15 minutes.

As you settle into your relaxed and meditative state at the above time,  please tune  into the consciousness of the planet Earth and  her over-lighting angels and to Gaia herself.  Please join with me as we request that all those who have experienced suffering , pain and loss on any level be restored to a state of peace and calm and that they are uplifted and brought  healing from the Divine. Let us surround the planet in a halo of brilliant white light and enfold those who are hurting in this beautiful cloak of healing. Feel this energy within your own heart chakra and send it out into the Universe for all those who have need of it. Remember to include yourself in the beauty of this white light. 

Please extend this invitation to your loved ones, colleagues, friends and all like- minded souls.

Thank you for your loving concern for all those in need.

Bless you and all those who have endured the recent tragedies.


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