Happy Solstice and Merry Christmas
Hello dear Souls, Happy Solstice! The Winter Solstice is the shortest day and longest night in the northern hemisphere, while in the Southern hemisphere
Hello dear Souls, Happy Solstice! The Winter Solstice is the shortest day and longest night in the northern hemisphere, while in the Southern hemisphere
The Sun entered Leo on July 22nd marking the beginning of the Lions Gate “season”. The Lions Gate actually occurs on Sunday 8th August (8/8). What exactly
Well, here we are, about to turn the corner into a new year. But what does this mean for us all on the planet as
It’s been some time since I last posted and in that time my husband and I have settled into our new home,”The Hoglets” in Bath,UK.
Dear Light Workers and fellow travellers on the Spiritual Path,
Now that we have entered the new energy of 2012 let us all rejoice as we set our feet on the energetic path of the global “5” year ahead.
This promises to be a year full of sudden events, surprise happenings, mercurial communications and fast and furious developments.
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