It has been quite some time since my last update due to the busy year, on every level, that has transpired.
After returning to make our main home in Australia a year ago, I have been very busy working with my clients, near and far, via Zoom and in-person.
It is clear that 2024 has been a challenging year for so many people but also a year of incredible growth and awakening. The energy has been intense as we are all being flooded with high frequency light. We have been asked by the Universe to see what serves us, what we need to let go of and how we can be of service in these exciting times of spiritual awakening. Many people are making big changes in their lives and reinventing themselves with new jobs, new homes, new relationships or adding to their families.
My own family has had much cause for celebration as we embraced a wonderful son-in-law when our daughter married her soul mate in October. We were blessed to have a day filled with love as we gathered to witness these two beautiful souls exchange their sacred vows to one another in the presence of loved ones here and in spirit and their angelic and spiritual communities.
Our love for them both is the glue that binds us together and this is what life is really all about. LOVE.
Following the wedding celebrations, my husband Gordon and I travelled back to the UK primarily to set up our small flat in the lovely Saxon hilltop town of Shaftesbury (north Dorset).
Shaftesbury is famous for Gold Hill, an ancient, steeply cobbled street that was the setting for an ad for Hovis bread back in the day.
Top Left: At the top of Gold Hill with Sue,a lovely friend and homeopathic healer.
Glorious views looking out over the Blackmore Vale from Shaftesbury.
Shaftesbury is also known for its Abbey, built by King Alfred the Great in around AD888. It was the first religious house solely for women and where many women found refuge. It also houses the shrine of St Edward, the boy king, who was murdered.
Shaftesbury Abbey is sadly now in ruins since the dissolution of the monasteries in the time of Henry VIII.
This is somewhere I have visited often over the years and is one of my special places with its peaceful, gentle energy, its bountiful herb garden, and its other-lifetime connections for me. The presence of Spirit can be strongly felt when one sits and embraces the beauty of the gardens.If you close your eyes and open your spiritual ears you can hear the nuns chanting and the bells tolling the call to prayer.
If you’d like a glimpse of what Shaftesbury Abbey would have looked like in its heyday then visit this link to see a video representation.
Whilst in England I managed to squeeze in a few visits to old favourite places and discover some of the local scenery and attractions. Of course, I made a pilgimage of my own to Glastonbury where I climbed up the Tor and then visited the beautiful Chalice Well gardens.
After bathing my feet in the sacred waters and collecting water from the Lions Head Spring I approached the well head.
My timing was perfect as it was just after Samhain (the festival that marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter) so the Well was decorated with the offerings of Harvest.
I was very blessed to have the Chalice Well Head to myself for some time so I enjoyed a beautiful meditation in solitude and peace.
Just as I returned to a new moment a playful squirrel appeared close to me and sat in silence watching me and bringing me his message before scampering off up the tree.
The spiritual meaning of a squirrel is about renewal, adaptability, change, playfulness, resourcefulness, connection to the earth and sky, gratitude and foresight. Squirrels remind us of the importance to balance work and play. Although they collect food with energy they take time to play. A good lessson for us all (me especially).
Nature in the UK in Autumn is so colourful and one of the most spectacular places to visit to see these colours, ground your energy into Mother Earth and celebrate the season, is Stourhead. Stourhead did not disappoint with its Autumn show. Walking amongst nature in glorious surroundings such as these centres the soul and brings us into a deeper connection with Gaia.
Words are Magick and Shakespeares use of words carries so much energy and power.
Over the years I have been fortunate enough to watch many performances of his plays.On this UK visit I discovered that the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford upon Avon (Shakespeares birthplace and his resting place) was performing Othello in November.
We also had a wonderfully informative guided walking tour of the city and enjoyed the first of the Christmas markets.
Where we stayed was in a quirky and wonky 16th Century terrace house, called Hamlets Nest, with a resident ghost, right in the centre of town in Sheep Street. We dined at Lambs of Sheep Street and I booked our table under my maiden name : Woolley (rude not to)

Now back in Bowral, I have been focusing on completing my work with clients pre-Christmas and setting my intentions for the coming year.
A couple of days ago I went for an early morning walk and captured the mystical image below that made me think of the mists of Avalon (Glastonbury) and how, as spiritual beings having a physical expereince, we get to enjoy so much beauty in this world. What a gift. Whenever nature gifts me beauty I proffer up a prayer of thanks and this gratitude blossoms so that I find myself always surrounded by Gaia’s beauty.
I do feel that we can extend that outward from ourselves and be the beauty in someone else’s life. Just a pleasant compliment on someones appearance, asking someone how they are, or a friendly smile and greeting is enough to add beauty to their day.

The keywords I have been given for 2025 are “Creative Completion”
9 is all about big thinking and olutions outside the box to problems.
Creativity in abundance is coming in 2025.
The number 9 relates to the planet Mars = action, motivation, enthusiasm.
2025 is a completing year so if you have projects underway or things that you have put off doing, then this is the year to COMPLETE !
Maybe you need to clear out your attic, finish a work project, tie up loose ends with paperwork (eg overdue tax, writing a will etc) or end a relationship that no longer serves you. Well, this coming year is the perfect time to do these things.
It is important to embrace this completion process by the end of September, the ninth month of our nine global year, and take advantage of the energies this year affords you.
By October 2025, the frequency of the 1 will begin to arrive and that means a whole new way forward, so we need to clear our decks to make room for the new cycle that begins in 2026.
Personally, I have already begun releasing “stuff”, but this will go up a notch starting in January.
As far as the journey of awakening goes, 2025 will see even more Light energy flooding us as global consciousness of the collective reaches critical mass.
Once 50% of the sentient beings of the planet are awake and aware, then its “Game On” for the Ascension process. We have come here for this and I am excited and honoured to be incarnate at this extraordinary time.

I shall keep you posted on dates for these popluar events.
I will be spending a good portion of the UK summer back in Shaftesbury in 2025 so my UK clients can visit me there, or Zoom as we have been doing.
There are already quite a number of lovely people booked in for one-on-one sessions in January, so if you are looking for guidance, messages and support as we enter the new year please don’t hesitate to contact me.
I send you and yours my every good wish for a joyous, peaceful and love-filled Christmas.
With much Love and Light,
Ruthie x x