Happy New Year ~ 2015

 Happy 2015

Happy New Year

2015 is a global “8” year.


8 is considered the number of power and money, but the deeper meaning and essence of the 8 is balance. Growing imbalances exist in the human moral values, between the tolerant and the intolerant, the rich and the poor. The year 2015 will rectify some of the imbalances currently demonstrated on our planet.
The global economy in 2015 will reflect the 8’s push for balance. This year may not be an easy time for many people.

Many countries that have been ruled for centuries by a small and powerful core will rise up to force changes and restore balance.

For every person this year will bring many and various opportunities to own your personal power and to stand up and be counted  for that in which you believe.


The number 8 to me, also embodies the möbius strip , a circle with a half twist that, when joined, creates a continual loop and therefore a demonstration of the time/space continuum.
So be alert to the supremely flexible nature of time in 2015. Days may feel like minutes while moments can expand to encompass vast experiences of conscious awareness.


door and key

This year is also a chance to step through into a new paradigm and experience life in full reality.

Pause and be in the moment as often as you are able – this will centre your energies in the NOW and give you a presence that is often lost in the rush and hustle-bustle of modern life. The more present you are, the more you are in the flow with the Universe and are at peace.

I send my very best wishes to you for a loving , abundant and joyful 2015.


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