Thank you Everyone who joined in the most powerful and loving meditation this evening, Australian time.
The power of combined energy is never to be underestimated.
As one of our meditators mentioned – during World War II Churchill asked that eveyone in Britain light a candle at a precise moment to gather the strength of the nation for the D Day launch and who knows , perhaps this single act of synchronised effort actually helped to win the war!
So that you know just how our efforts have been appreciated I would like to share with you an email I received today …
“Thank You
Hi Ruthie. My friend in Sydney passed this email to me. I live just outside of Toowoomba. There are horror stories not released to public up here. There is a major need for large meditation groups to come together at this time. I just want to say thank you for the meditation you are holding. I have passed the email to many people.
Sincerely grateful
Annie “
Our job was to bring peace, love and support to those in need and I feel we went some way to begin the massive healing process for all those around the world , human and animal, who need help right now on not only the physical, but the emotional , mental and spiritual levels.
My thanks goes to eveyone in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Germany, the USA , the Middle East and Asia who joined us tonight as well as all those who did not email me to tell me of their plans to join in, but did so anyway.
We did good!
If you would like to email me any experiences you had during the group meditation, or things you “saw” during the mediation I will put them up on this website for others to see, that they may gain strength from your words. [email protected]
Bless you all,