Ruth Phillips
Anahata Therapies
“Your Spiritual Support SOLD OUT
~You are not alone~”
As Leaders of the “Away Team” we are assisted and supported emotionally, mentally and spiritually by our home base and our “pit crew” while we navigate our way through life and our challenges in this three dimensional world.
In this inspiring evening Ruth Phillips will share insights about the spiritual realms, higher dimensions and those who stand beside us spiritually.
Ruth will discuss your Soul Family, Guides, Loved Ones who have passed over, Guardian Angels, and Ascended Masters.
As we accelerate towards a new wave of consciousness, more and more of us wish to connect more intimately with our own spiritual support and our soul family.
If you desire that deeper connection, then this is an evening not to be missed.
To conclude the evening a guided meditation will be followed by Ruth’s mediumistic messages to the group from their spiritual support in higher frequency dimensions.
Monday 15th July 2013 7.00 pm – 9.30pm
At Anahata Therapies, 17 Myahgah Street, Mosman
– entry via Vista St opposite the Vista St Car Park
Limited participants for this evening. Tickets: $ 45.00 per person
To book your place please call Anahata Therapies on: (02) 9969 3460
Or Book on-line at
Light refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the evening.