Manifest Your Goals for 2013 – Ruthie Phillips First event 11th February 2013 – SOLD OUT !


Ruth Phillips


 Anahata Therapies


 “Manifest Your Goals for 2013”

 ~Bringing your dreams alive by Making Magic Happen~

As we enter the vibrant energy of a new year what better way to recommence our Ruth Phillips evenings at Anahata Therapies than to learn to use the ancient Hermetic Principles to create everything we desire in 2013.


Hermes Trismegestus- The Thrice Great Hermes


For over 25 years, Ruth has been sharing her knowledge of the Universal Law of Attraction and how it may be used to create change and bring what you want into your life.

During our evening Ruth will reveal the three steps that set your free will into motion and unleash the power inside you to create your life the way you wish it to be.

You will learn the hands-on principles of Creative Manifestation that open you up to the infinite possibilities available to you in the Universe. Visualisation, meditation and mediumistic guidance from your spiritual support will be an integral part of our evening.
Please come prepared with a list of your goals and dreams for 2013.


Monday 11th February 2013          7.00 pm – 9.30 pm                         

At Anahata Therapies 17 Myahgah Street, Mosman
– entry via Vista St opposite the Vista St Car Park

Limited participants for this evening.
Tickets: $ 45.00 per person

To book your place please call Anahata Therapies on: (02) 9969 3460

Or Book on-line at

Light refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the evening.

Please join me for this evening of manifesting your hearts desires.


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