We shared a great evening of Christmas Spirit at the beautiful premises of Anahata Therapies in Mosman, Sydney on Monday 21st November.
With attendees from as far away as Melbourne, the room was packed with those who wanted to hear what happens in Spirit at Christmas time and receive those important Christmas messages from their loved ones who have passed over.
Not only did we have family members come through with messages but we were also blessed with the arrival of beloved pets in spirit – including chickens and ducks, a mouse and my very first spirit ferret! !
The evening culminated in a champagne supper which gave us all the opportunity to chat about the messages received and our plans for the festive season.
Plans are already in place for my next evening workshop – ” Angels amongst Us” which will kick off my 2012 events at Anahata Therapies on Monday 27th February. The interest level in this event is high and registrations have already commenced.
Here are the details of the evening which are also on my “Workshops” page and the Anahata Therapies website www.anahatatherapies.com.au where you can register for this angelic evening.
Ruth Phillips and Anahata Therapies
“Angels Amongst Us”
Please call Anahata Therapies on (02) 9969 3460 to register for our waiting list
My first evening for 2012 is a topic to which we all connect: The Angelic Realms.
Closely working with the Divine Creative Energy, Angels surround us in our everyday lives. Their loving support and guidance help us along our life’s path and keep us safe.
As a Medium with over 25 years experience, Ruth has many insights and stories to tell of the spiritual realms and angelic encounters.
Join us for this evening at Anahata Therapies healing sanctuary to discover how to recognise when angels walk amongst us or when you have received a personal visit from your Angel.
Develop an understanding of what it is like to be an Earth Angel and how to recognise if you are one yourself. If you have always longed to more deeply explore your connection to the angels then this experiential evening is for you.
The evening will begin with an enlightening and entertaining look at life in the Angelic Realms followed by a guided meditation whcih I will lead.
To conclude your experience I will be passing on messages to the group from the angels that walk with you.
Monday 27th February 2012
7.00 pm –9.00pm
At Anahata Therapies
17 Myahgah Street,Mosman – entry via Vista St (opp the Vista St CarPark)
Limited participants for this evening. Tickets: $ 45.00 per person
To book your place please call Anahata Therapies on: (02) 9969 3460
Or Book on-line at www.anahatatherapies.com.au
A light supper will be served at the conclusion of the evening.