Christmas Spirit – Our Last Evening Event for 2011


Christmas Spirit at Anahata

Ruth Phillips and Anahata Therapies


“Christmas Spirit’

My last evening at Anahata Therapies in Mosman, Sydney
– “Visiting the Spiritual Realms” was a Sell-Out Event.

To celebrate the coming festive season I am appearing at Anahata Therapies one last time in 2011. So we invite you to “An Evening of Christmas Spirit”.

As a Medium with over 25 years experience,I love sharing my  insights and stories to tell of the spiritual realms and how our loved ones who have passed over wish to communicate to us from beyond the “veil”.

 Why is Christmas such a special time in the Spiritual Realms?
 How do they celebrate?
 Do they gather around us at this time?
 How do we make Christmas and the holidays a significant time when we     mourn those who have passed?

If you have questions like these and long to understand more of the spiritual realms then join us for an evening of illumination at the beautiful Anahata Therapies sanctuary.

The evening will begin with an enlightening and entertaining look at life in Spirit, followed by a guided meditation that Ruth will lead into the Spiritual Realms.

Ruth will conclude your experience by passing on messages to the group from Spirit in her role as an accomplished Clairvoyant-Medium.
Monday 21st November 2011       7pm – 9pm

 At Anahata Therapies 17 Myahgah Street, Mosman – entry via Vista St

 Limited participants for this evening.   Tickets: $ 45.00 per person

To book your place please call Anahata Therapies on: (02) 9969 3460

Or Book on-line at
A champagne celebration supper  will be served at the conclusion of the evening. 


Please join us as we celebrate the passing of another year and welcome in the festive season with Love and  Light.




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