Christchurch Earthquake Disaster

Hlello Everyone,

This is a heartfelt plea to you all to please join with me in sending our thoughts , prayers and  love to the people of Christchurch and Lyttelton, who today suffered a massive and devastating earthquake that has caused so much damage , injury and loss of life.

As a New Zealand citizen myself, with loved family members in Christchurch, I have been concentrating on doing what I can from here, and that is covering the city and surrounding area with a  blanket of angelic presence and love. My thoughts and energy are going out  to assist those in loss and grief and those who await rescue by the emergency services as they lie trapped in buildings overnight.

I ask you to assist me by sending them support and love and keep the viison of rescue alive in their hearts and souls as they wait. I have requested that an angelic guard be placed by each and every perosn affected by this tragedy and I will myself, as is my ussual task in times of world crisis, be of service throughout the night as I cross into the other realms.

To those who are also aware of their service to Spirt and Sentient Beings , please remember to shine your Lights brightly this evening as you go to sleep and work alongside the Angelic Community.

I offer these words as a way to ask for assistance:

” In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence, I call on the  beloved Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel; accompanied by  the Ascended Master St Germain of the Violet Ray, our Lady Nada of the Pink Ray  and the Devas of the Healing Arts  to surround all persons in need, as a result of the Earthquake in New Zealand,with healing light. Let this healing be done according to God’s Holy Will.”

May the Divine Bless you All.


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