The main focus (and excuse) for making my journey to the UK this year was to attend a weekend course in Glastonbury being run by Tim Freke. This course, called “The Mystery Experience”, was all about Consciousness and diving into the Oneness of being spiritually wake and in touch with yourself and your connection to the “All That Is”.
I was drawn to Tim’s work through a synchronistic, middle of the night internet wandering where I found many of his books and then visited his website.
The residential course was held at Abbey House –attached to the grounds of the beautiful Glastonbury Abbey ruins.

What a magical place to experience “The Mystery”. My room, on the first floor of Abbey House, looked out over the garden and straight onto the site of the ancient Abbey.

It is said that 2000 years ago Joseph of Arimathea (Christ’s uncle) is supposed to have brought the young Jesus here to the ancient and magical Avalon. On Joseph’s second visit, after Christ’s death, he built the first Christian church, at Glastonbury Abbey, appointing twelve Christian hermits to look after it. St Patrick and St David are said to have come here too and later stil King Arthur who is reputedly buried here.
Legend proclaims that after Arthur’s death, a powerful spirit haunted the ruins of the Abbey, appearing as a black-armoured knight with red glowing eyes and a burning desire to eradicate all records of the ancient Arthurian legends, which is why, it is said, that those seeking to discover the truth, find so few facts available.
As residents of Abbey House, we were allowed to visit the ruins through the back gate and given the secret code to the padlock. I was awake around sunrise on our first morning and made my way across the garden to the Abbey ruins to explore alone. I had the most magical and wondrous time for an hour and a half with the Abbey all to myself, walking through the ruins, visiting the Lady Chapel, The High Altar, the Abbots kitchen, the herb garden , meditating and practising my Tai Chi. All the while the birds were beginning their early morning song and the light was beautiful.
Truly, a once in a lifetime experience – full of grace.

I loved the many and varied herbs to be found in the herb garden – many of which we do not often see in Australia. Borage – pictured here- is one of my favorites.

Our weekend course had begun the night before with an introduction by Tim Freke and the group introducing themselves, followed by a gentle exercise to begin our process. On the Saturday morning, , refreshed after my time in the Abbey, we began our day together as a group. A day that would prove to be one of deep awakening and insight for all.
Tim calls himself a “Stand-up Philosopher and has spent years exploring and learning from the ancient Mystery School traditions and he, and his colleague Peter Gandy, have written several books about early Christianity, the Gnostics, and the Goddess.
However it is his recent direction that inspired me to travel to be part of the Mystery Experience weekend. Tim’s Mystery Experience retreats offer an opportunity to participate in a 21st century expression of the Ancient Mystery traditions, which is an evolution of the perennial Gnostic wisdom into a radically new and immediately accessible form.
Tim is pioneering a simple new way to experience a deep spiritual awakening, which fully embraces our everyday humanity. For me, it was about being conscious of being conscious and maintaining my sense of being part of the Divine and connection to “The Oneness” while still operating on a very grounded and human level.
Through the meditations, one-on -one and group exercises Tim lead us along a simple path to discovering our essential nature and using this to fully engage in life. His approach was one that really resonated with my soul – “Head in Heaven, Feet on earth”. For it is of no use to anyone if you are so spiritual that you are no earthly good! The challenge for us all in these times is to integrate our spiritual beliefs and practices into our everyday lives and interactions with others.
Tim’s book, “How Long is Now?” is a great introduction to his work and a wonderful example of how to be spiritually awake in the real world.
In this book, Tim offers astonishing insights and powerful wake-up techniques, clarifies common misunderstandings about what it is to be “spiritual,” and presents an extraordinary new understanding of death and immortality.
Throughout the weekend the group energies were beautiful and we all experienced profound insights and deep connections to the bliss of what Tim describes as “Big Love”.

As a presenter and a course leader, Tim offers so much on many levels. His intellect and sense of humour shine through. He is a delight to listen to and he holds the attention of the group through personal anecdotes and amusing stories of his own life and experiences. Tim is also very generous with his own personal energy and spends a lot of the time in between sessions speaking with individuals in the group.
My experience of the Mystery weekend led me to discuss with the gorgeous Mary (his workshop facilitator and website communicator) the possibility of getting Tim and his family to come to Australia. I know that there are many of you here who would seize the opportunity to experience that connection to the “All That Is” and to come to a deeper understanding of your true essence.
If my words strike a chord in your consciousness then do check out Tim’s website for yourself and get reading – his books are amazing. There are also many U-Tube clips to be accessed through his website of Tim’s interviews and his own presentations of his ideas and thoughts.
And please, contact me- via email [email protected] or call me +61 415 412 845 to register your potential interest in attending one of Tim’s Mystery Experiences. Or alternatively you can email Mary Anderson [email protected]
If we have enough interest in one of Tim’s courses for the end of 2011 then we may be able to persuade him to make the trek over here with his beautiful wife Debbie and their children for an Australian Mystery Experience.
I send you all BIG LOVE and hope you will join me for the next part of my journey – into Cornwall.