Mothers’ Day May 2010

Mother and Daughter

Hello and Welcome,

Here in Australia we are about to celebrate Mothers’ Day. Obviously this is a day set aside to honour  mothers and their selfless efforts to nurture and support  their children ( of all ages) .

For all women this is a day that can be one of very mixed emotions.  The mothers  amongst us have an opportunity to give thanks for their blessings in the form of their beloved children and greater family life.  Those who are not ready to be mothers yet look forward perhaps, to the day when they too, will have their families gathered around them for this special occasion. To the many whose mothers have already passed over, this day brings memories of happy times  shared, coupled with a  sense of sadness and grief.

Those who are separated from their children due to distance or loss also  find this a sad day; as do the women who long to be mothers but through circumstance have  not been able to bring children into their lives. 

Spiritually for me,  Mothers’ Day  is a celebration of the feminine essence – the Goddess energy – that we, as women,  all carry, whether we are mothers or not. On this day especially, let us acknowledge that essence  in all our female friends and relatives –  our mothers, our daughters, our sisters,  our friends.  For we are all ONE .

So to you, my dear ones, I send you the blessing of the Goddess.


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