May 2009

Hello Everyone,

What an interesting month May has proven to be!

I have noticed an influx of clients and students wishing to develop and grow on their spiritual journey and to devote some of their time to study. This is most encouraging and heartening as the Earths collective consciousness needs us all to take responsibility for our own growth at this time.

I love the opportunity to be able to assemble a group of like-minded souls with the common purpose of spiritual development and have many such opportunities lately. This is such an exciting time for us all and I am thrilled that so many of you are inspired to look beyond the challenge of your daily lives in order to seek out a new way of viewing this third dimensional reality. Your helpers and loved ones in Spirit are poised ready to assist you on your voyage of discovery.

Over the past year I have been conducting Evenings of Spirit Communication at the healing centre and shop called Heavenly Energies in Willoughby, Sydney. Throughout 20009 they are being held once in every calendar month, and have proven to be very popular with regulars and newcomers alike.

My next scheduled evenings are on Wednesday 10th June and Thursday 2nd July (2009)

These evenings are always great fun and full of Spirit communication and healing messages from loved ones who have passed over. Spirit certainly knows how to make us laugh and cry at the same time!

For more information visit and to book your place at an evening please call Robyn on (02) 9967 9415. Please note that places are strictly limited, so advance booking is essential to secure your seat.

I have also been conducting a new course for those wishing to develop their own potential.

My Spiritual and Psychic Development Course (Level 1), which began a few weeks ago at Heavenly Energies, has been great fun with much camaraderie and mutual learning. This course runs for six consecutive weeks and includes Meditation, Clairvoyance, Psychometry, Tarot, Runes, Dowsing and Divination with lots of practice and hands-on work. (Plus homework!)

Due to popular demand I have committed to another Level 1 Spiritual and Psychic Development Course, which begins on Wednesday 5th August, and will once again run for 6 weeks. If you missed out on the last intake and would like to join our next group please call Robyn and register.

If you have recently begun your journey of development this is a course that will catapult you along the path and help you discover even more of your innate skills and gifts.

As with all classes and events, numbers are strictly limited for personal attention so please call Robyn on (02) 9967 9415 to register for this new course.

Thank you for your interest and your desire to learn and grow.

Blessings to you and yours,


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