Making sense of death

As a little girl, the whole idea of death was confusing for TV Medium Ruth Phillips. “One day I was looking out my window on a funeral procession. I remember asking my aunt why everyone was so upset” Ruth explained

Ruth’s aunt explained that the man across the road had died, and that he wouldn’t be around anymore. He explained that people were crying because they couldn’t see him anymore.

But Ruth could see him. “I can remember thinking everyone was crazy because the old man was at his window watching the procession too.”

Ruth told her grandfather about the man in the window, and he realised that Ruth could see more than most people. When Ruth got older, her grandfather took her to a local Spiritualist Church so she could find out more about her abilities. “Suddenly there were a group of people around me who were just like me”, Ruth recalled.

Ruth’s psychic communication skills have opened many TV opportunities, including her appearance on the TV program Sensing Murder seen in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

Quite apart from the media hype, Ruth would rather be remembered for her ability to provide healing, comfort and hope to people who grieve for loved ones. “From that very early age I realised that our loved ones are still around us after they die, they’re just not in their physical body”, Ruth said.

This process of communication with people who have passed-on is known as Mediumship and is practiced by others such as international TV medium John Edward.

Ruth holds public events where she delivers messages to people in the audience, from their loved-ones on the other side. “It’s important that people know that their loved ones still take an active interest in our lives, even from the other side,” Ruth explained.

“Sometimes the messages that come through that are really specific, things that only one person could know”, Ruth explained.

Occasionally, more than one person tries to ‘claim’ a message, and a bit like a Spiritual telephone operator, it’s Ruth’s task to ensure the calls are put through the right person. “Sometimes it takes time to narrow down who the message is for” she explained.

“Mind you, having a few people put their hands up is better than missing out on the message altogether.” she added.

For Ruth, it’s all part of her life journey of demonstrating in a very real way that life continues beyond death.

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