Tag: space

“Rites of Passage” Review

Hello Everyone,
On Monday 9th May a delightful high-energy group gathered at Anahata Therpies in Mosman, Sydney to learn how to bring more ritual into our everyday lives.
What a special evening we all enjoyed – lots of fun and laughter combined with the more formal aspects of the ritual process. It was a delight for me to be amongst such interested and motivated souls who fielded great questions and examples of their own rituals and celebrations.

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Working environment for a Clairvoyant Medium

Being a Clairvoyant means that my strongest psychic gift is that of psychic vision, i.e. I see clearly into other “dimensions” including the environment into which we “pass” when we exit this physical existence. In fact, I can describe the type of person I’m “seeing”, many of their personality and physical traits that they possessed when alive, their relationship to my client, and quite often their manner of passing.

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