Divination for Beginners – One Day Workshop at Mosman Community College – Saturday 27th July 2013
Divination for Beginners The Tarot, Angel Cards & The Runes Join Clairvoyant-Medium Ruth Phillips for a day of discovery and learning as we unlock the
Divination for Beginners The Tarot, Angel Cards & The Runes Join Clairvoyant-Medium Ruth Phillips for a day of discovery and learning as we unlock the
Being a Clairvoyant means that my strongest psychic gift is that of psychic vision, i.e. I see clearly into other “dimensions” including the environment into which we “pass” when we exit this physical existence. In fact, I can describe the type of person I’m “seeing”, many of their personality and physical traits that they possessed when alive, their relationship to my client, and quite often their manner of passing.
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