April Full Moon

Full Moon
April Fool Moon

Hello and Welcome Everyone,

 The full moon is shining brightly through the window as I type this to you all.

 As is usual for me at Full Moon, I find myself up in the wee small hours – the strong vibration of the Moon usually wakes me.

 The time of Full Moon is the high tide of psychic powers and abilities, with many of us experiencing perceptions and divinations that are very powerful.  Dreams will be intense experiences at this time and any creativity will be enhanced so the full moon is an ideal time for creatively manifesting things and situations in your life. The amplified energy of the moon in this phase of its cycle lends more power and magic to the things we ordain. Abundance is all around at this time too.

 Nature too, reflects this abundance and there is more growth and vitality at this time.This surge of energy from the full moon that many of us feel, gives us the opportunity to put into action new projects or ideas that may have been formulating. They will come to fruition with greater speed and ease if begun now.

On a spiritual level this can be a powerful time to release, cast out or unburden yourself by stepping out of an old way of being or thinking, or letting go of an attitude that no longer holds true or even a relationship that is no longer in alignment with who you are.Morning Moon

The full moon is also useful in practical ways too. For those of you who wish to grow your hair quickly, getting a little trimmed off the ends during a full moon will ensure that it grows faster. Conversely – if you do not want to visit your hairdresser as often then avoid full moon haircuts!

As I tune into the awesome energy of the moon I send you all abundant wishes and blessings for this month of April.


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