October 2009

Hello Everyone,

It has been a number of weeks since I returned from an exciting trip to the UK, which enabled me to visit some old haunts and experience some new and interesting spiritual and sacred locations.

On this recent trip I revisited Stonehenge, Old Sarum. Avebury and Glastonbury – my spiritual home. With my dear friend and soul sister, Jeannie, I also ventured into a sacred grove at Lamyat in Somerset where the energy was of the most ancient kind.

The highlight for this part of the trip though, I must confess, was visiting my first crop circle!

For those of you who have never heard of crop circles, they are a phenomena that appear yearly in many fields in the southern area of the UK (particularly in Wiltshire) when the crops are high and prior to harvest. These designs have been attributed to many sources but are of amazing complexity and appear overnight in a matter of a few hours. The meanings of the crop circles are constantly under analysis and interpretation but most have some sort of spiritual content or a design that seems to be sending a message to humanity.

While visiting the Henge Shop in Avebury after communing with the standing stones there, I was looking through the shop dossier on the latest crop circles and discovered that a very recent one was located just down the road a few miles away, opposite Silbury Hill (an ancient burial mound). I was on site in a matter of minutes, and taking care to walk the “tram lines’ (i.e. the tractor lines of the farmer) up from the road so as not to damage any other parts of his crop, I soon found myself in the centre of the most amazing formation.


The energy within the crop circle was quite clear and clean, as when I visited it was only 5 days old and the vast numbers of aficionados had not, as yet, visited it. I was able to lie down among the bent heads of wheat within the energy and feel the peace all about me in the glorious Wiltshire sunshine. From the ground it was huge and one could not see the edges of the design at all

However, to truly appreciate the sheer immensity of this crop formation one has to view it from the air.

Mayan Motif Crop Circle Salisbury Hill

This Mayan Headdress Motif is similar to another wonderful formation also with a Mayan motif that appeared in the same field at Silbury Hill in 2004. Both these events could be making us aware of the date of the 21st December 2012, which is the date the Mayan calendar comes to an end.

The sheer beauty of this formation takes ones breath away and the location with Silbury Hill as a backdrop has to be of great significance in itself.

Just awesome!

For those who are interested in crop circles, or wish to learn more, there is a very informative website www.cropcircleconnector.com which tracks all the crop circles worldwide and has the latest information on newly discovered circles.

My journey also took me north to Scotland and with 4 days in Edinburgh I had the time to visit the Roslyn Chapel. This very special and spiritual chapel, more recently made famous by Dan Brown’s “Da Vinci Code”, now attracts multitudes of visitors each year. Fortunately for my husband and I it was a quieter day and we had the chance explore the Chapel both inside and out. The designs of the masonry and carvings were wonderful – and we saw the Apprentice’s Pillar and the Masters Pillar as well as visiting the crypt, which even had the orginal, masons architectural pre- construction sketches on the walls!

roslyn-chapelThe Apprentice Pillar is the most elaborately decorated pillar in the Chapel and contains one of the most famous and fascinating riddles of the building. An apprentice mason is said to have carved the pillar, inspired by a dream, in his master’s absence. On seeing the magnificent achievement on his return, the master mason flew into a jealous rage and struck the apprentice, killing him outright. Carvings of both the Master and his Apprentice are to be found diagonally opposite the pillars that the other created, so the Master is condemned forever to gaze upon the work he killed his Apprentice for creating.

After some concentrated work here at home in Sydney with my personal clients and workshops I am getting prepared to make another journey of a spiritual nature. We are heading to Vietnam and Cambodia and plan to visit Angkor Watt – but more on that next time I write.

Until my next missive,

I send you all the many Blessings of the Divine,


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