Head in Heaven, Feet on Earth

pic_ruthie4[1]As a TV Medium and a leading psychic on the hit television series Sensing Murder, Ruth Phillips has seen a lot more than your average person.  Ruth Phillips appeared in the premiere episode of the hit program Sensing Murder, which recently started airing on TV2.

 Ruth was selected from hundreds of potential psychics in Australia to help shed light on a number of unsolved murders.

“To test my abilities the producers only gave me a photograph, and in one case just a tape recorded by the deceased that I was only allowed to hold – not listen to.”  Ruth explains.

 With these small items in hand, Ruth was asked to give the producers as much information as she could about the crime and the victim.

 “I passed on the information I received from Spirit. It was hard work!” Ruth said. 

 “I’d never heard of this person before in my life.”

From the items, Ruth had revealed important information about a Phillip Island unsolved murder case.

 “The process was quite intense”, recalls Ruth. Each psychic had been driven in separate cars to a particular location and we all arrived at the same time.

 “As our blindfolds were removed all three psychics immediately started gasping for air, clutching their throats unable to talk”, recalls Ruth. 

All three mediums had spiritually identified one of the fatal injuries – a knife wound to the throat. 

“The camera crew weren’t ready to film, so unfortunately the moment was lost” she added.

Ruth continues to tell stories about the series and you get the distinct impression that it’s not all glitz and glamour in front of the cameras. 

 “In one case I was lead to a plot of abandoned land.” Ruth said, “Here I was, trudging through the dirt as Spirit guided me to where a body lay.”

 Ruth laughed, “It wasn’t a day to be wearing my best shoes!”

 Ruth is pleased that Sensing Murder is having the same positive impact in New Zealand, where new episodes are being run alongside episodes from the Australian series.

 “New Zealand holds a lot of fond memories for me,” Ruth recalls, “It’s where I had my first experiences as a medium.”  Her grandfather took her to her first meeting at a Spiritualist church in Wellington.

 “I have a lot of lovely friends and clients in New Zealand and it’s wonderful to get their messages through my website, after they’ve seen the new series on TV2.” Ruth said.

 Sensing Murder is not Ruth’s only experience in the media.  She’s also appeared in an earlier Australian reality-TV series Scream Test and is the resident psychic for Rove Live Australia’s leading celebrity entertainment program.

 Ruth has also hosted talkback radio on a commercial station in Sydney. The show gave callers messages of love from people who had “passed over.”  Passing over is the term Ruth uses to describe the transition that happens to a person’s spirit when they die.  Ruth does not believe in death, in the traditional sense.

 “With talk-back radio, you never quite know what the next call might be about” she explained.  “One man called, asking me to find a hidden item buried in his backyard!”. 

 The man’s grandmother, who had passed over, buried a box in the backyard for safekeeping while she was still alive. The caller faxed a plan of his backyard that Ruth consulted.

 “I gave the man a location in his backyard that his Grandmother in Spirit revealed to me”, she continued

 “He called me back before the end of the show.  He dug a hole where I told him to, and he found his buried treasure!”

 But it’s not all about buried bodies and missing treasure for this New Zealand medium.  Ruth has a day job, a family and a collection of celebrity clients who sit with her for readings.  “Sitting” is the term used when people come to hear from their loved ones on the other side.

 “My clients ask me all sorts of questions: relationships, career, homes, investments, spiritual matters and many other things” Ruth explains. 

 Ruth is keen to share her wealth of experience with existing mediums in New Zealand and will be conducting workshops and events in New Zealand this October.  “I will be running two workshops, one for beginners and another for those with developed spiritual gifts”. 

 “I will also be running a series of events for people to witness Spirit communication first-hand, and see evidence of life beyond death” she added.

 As a clairvoyant-medium, Ruth is like a spiritual communications hub for people who have passed over.  She uses her gifts of seeing and hearing spirits, to pass on their messages of love and guidance to audience members.

”It’s really a lovely process to be a part of: to see the relief on peoples faces and their joy when they learn that their loved ones are okay and are still around them.”  Ruth says.

 “Using my gifts to help others both here on our planet and on the Other Side is what it’s all about for me.”

 “Head in Heaven and Feet on Earth.”


– James Williams  

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